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"ISRAEL IS REAL" focuses on life in modern 21st century Israel telling the stories of ordinary people living in, and in support of, an extraordinary land.
“ISRAEL IS REAL”, is a community-supported effort that includes interviews with local, national and International “celebrities”, and personal life stories.
"ISRAEL IS REAL" depends on your support to stay on the air. To find out how to become a sponsor, make a donation or purchase advertising, please contact us!
“ISRAEL IS REAL”, is a community-supported effort that includes interviews with local, national and International “celebrities”, and personal life stories.
"ISRAEL IS REAL" depends on your support to stay on the air. To find out how to become a sponsor, make a donation or purchase advertising, please contact us!
Visit our MUSIC site & Artist of the Month & Musician of the Month
Rahel & Sonia with DIANE COVERT

Shuly Nathan comes to NH!

Rahel and Sonia welcome Israeli folk icon, Shuly Nathan (Jerusalem of Gold) and enjoy the concert at the Jewish Federation in Manchester, NH